This blog post is about generating the database from the videos to train the GAN. I am using the German dataset mentioned in the previous blog for this task. The dataset is available in the following link: meinedgs. I am taking a few sample vidoes and trying to make things on top of that. The dataset is having 2 types of videos, one is the video of the signer signing the word, and the other is the signer signing the entire sentence. I am using the entire sentence videos for this task. The dataset is having the following files:

I am using google colab to generate the database. The following code is used to download the videos from the website.

!git clone
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('/content/meineDGS-Translation-Protocols/mDGS-V/mDGS_Protocol_Train.csv', sep = '|')

from tqdm import tqdm

# data['gloss']
def MakeIndividualWords(dataframe):
  words_info = dict()
  for no,d in tqdm(enumerate(dataframe.tolist())):
      words = d.split(' ') 
      for word in words:
        word_specific, startframe, endframe = word.split('/')
        if word_specific not in words_info.keys():
          words_info[word_specific] = no
  return words_info

from pathlib import Path
import os

from pathlib import Path
import os

class PrepareData:
  def __init__(self, dataframe, 
               download_vids = False,
               downloadpath_vids = '/content/dataset/vids',

               download_poses = False,
               downloadpath_poses = '/content/dataset/poses',

               makedataset =  True,
               makedatasetpath = '/content/signvideos/'):

    self.df = dataframe
    self.downloadpath_vids = downloadpath_vids
    self.downlaodpath_poses = downloadpath_poses


    if download_vids == True:

    if download_poses == True:

    if makedataset == True:

  def MakeURL(self):
    self.fnames = self.df['filename'].tolist()
    self.start = self.df['start_time'].tolist()
    self.end   = self.df['stop_time'].tolist()
    self.gloss = self.df['gloss'].tolist()
    self.individualwords = MakeIndividualWords(self.df['gloss'])

  def GetVidDataset(self):
    self.vids_name = set([i.split('-')[0][:-1] for i in self.fnames])

  def DownloadVids(self):
    if not os.path.exists(self.downloadpath_vids):
    for vid in tqdm(self.vids_name):
      vidname = f'{vid}/{vid}.mp4'
      !wget $vidname -P $self.downloadpath_vids
      # break

  def DownloadOpenPose(self):
    if not os.path.exists(self.downlaodpath_poses):
    for vid in tqdm(self.vids_name):
      vidname = f'{vid}_openpose.json.gz'
      !wget $vidname -P $self.downlaodpath_poses

  def MakeDataset(self, fps = 50.0,
                  makedatasetpath = '/content/signvideos/',
                  cropped_imgs_path = '/content/cropped_vids',
                  downloadpath = '/content/drive/MyDrive/Teja_SignLangauge/GovernmentProject'):

    for word,rowno in tqdm(self.individualwords.items()):
      Path(os.path.join(makedatasetpath, word)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

      rowinformation = self.df.iloc[rowno]
      filename,	camera	,ger_text	,gloss	,start_time	,stop_time = rowinformation.values
      # print(filename,	camera	,ger_text	,gloss	,start_time	,stop_time)

      ger_text= ger_text.replace(' ', '-')       #replace the spaces
      sh,sm,ss,sms = convertmins(start_time	, 50)
      eh,em,es,ems = convertmins(stop_time, 50)

      vidname_org = filename.split('-')[0][:-1] + '.mp4' 
      vidname = os.path.join(downloadpath, vidname_org)

      # if os.path.exists(vidname):
      #     print("File exists")

      comands_crop = f'ffmpeg -i {vidname} -ss {sh:02d}:{sm:02d}:{ss:02d}.{sms:03d} -t {eh:02d}:{em:02d}:{es:02d}.{ems:03d} -c copy {cropped_imgs_path}/{ger_text}_{vidname_org}'
      # print(comands_crop)

      # break

downloadpath = '/content/drive/MyDrive/Teja_SignLangauge/GovernmentProject'
# P1 = PrepareData(data, downloadpath_poses = downloadpath, download_poses = True)
P1 = PrepareData(data, downloadpath_poses = downloadpath, makedataset = True)